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The Truth About Mineral and Chemical Sunscreen✔️

First things first: Sunscreen is non-negotiable and is an essential whether you live in the Arctic or on the equator.

In the previous email I told you about the importance of wearing sunscreen.

But did you know that there are two types of sunscreens?

Understanding the difference between the two will help you pick the right choice.

And while they both serve the same purpose, they work differently.

Let’s start with chemical sunscreen.


A chemical sunscreen is a type of sunscreen that absorbs into the skin, absorbs UV rays and then converts those rays into heat.

What about the ingredients?

Chemical sunscreens contain ingredients like avobenzone, oncinoxate and others that offer sun protection but aren’t so easy on the skin or the environment.

Although chemical sunscreens undoubtedly work, sometimes they can cause unwanted reactions.

Oxybenzone – one of the most common active ingredients – is also a hormone disruptor, and it contributes to skin irritation.

So, if you’re not willing to take a risk there is an alternative to chemical sunscreens that works just as good.

Mineral sunscreens. What's so special about them?


Judging by the name, you can guess that this type of sun protection contains minerals as active ingredients.

Mineral sunscreens usually contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

Zinc oxide is a special ingredient because it offers protection from both UVA and UVB rays – one responsible for premature ageing and the other for causing skin cancer.

When picking sunscreen many think that higher factor means that it protects you from all types of damage.

That’s not true. In fact, many sunscreens protect your skin from UVB rays only.

Learn more about our mineral sunscreen

How do they work? 

Mineral sunscreen provides a physical barrier between your skin and the sun’s rays.

Think of these minerals as millions of tiny mirrors that reflect harmful rays,

unlike chemical sunscreens that work by absorbing UV rays and convert them to heat.


What’s another key difference between the two?

I often get distracted during the summer and if you do too that’s understandable –

summer days are long and you want to do nothing but enjoy them.

Mineral sunscreens are photostable, which means that they do not have to be reapplied as frequently as chemical sunscreens when exposed to light.

Another difference in advantage of mineral sunscreens is that because they sit on the skin, they are less likely to provoke a reaction or clog the skin.

The active ingredients in mineral sunscreen are generally more environmentally friendly too.

How can our newly announced product Antarctic Sun Defence help your complexion? 

We spent years perfecting this product and it's finally ready to launch.

Antarctic Sun Defence is a mineral sunscreen that contains ingredients that work to slow down the effects of external factors that make you age prematurely.

We wanted to make sure that your skin gets maximum protection from both types of UV rays.

That’s why Antarctic Sun Defence comes with SPF50 High protection.

It’s important to use sunscreen throughout the whole year because UV rays are harmful not only in the summer.

A myth about mineral sunscreens is that they all leave an obvious white cast.

Our newly announced product Antarctic Sun Defence has a tinted formula and doesn't leave a white cast at all.

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