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How to get glowing skin in 60 days

The beginning of the year is the perfect time not only for fulfilling our resolutions but for our skincare too.

This time symbolises renewal and rejuvenation, making it an ideal moment to revitalise our skincare routines, especially for those of us embracing their fabulous 40s and beyond. 

So, let’s discover together how to achieve amazing glowing skin and also find the answer to the question from my email. Here’s a little reminder about it:

What two key dietary elements are vital for nurturing mature, sensitive, and dry skin? 

A: Caffeine and Vitamin E

B: Saturated Fats and Vitamin A

C: Carbohydrates and Biotin

D: Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Vitamin C

Read on to find the answer…

Understanding the unique needs of our skin:

As we enter our 40s, our skin undergoes significant changes, necessitating a more attentive and nurturing skincare approach.

This phase of life is marked by a natural decline in collagen production, which is pivotal for skin elasticity and firmness. 

An expert in dermatology, Dr. Jane Smith, highlights, 'By the time a woman reaches her 40s, she may have lost up to 30% of her skin's collagen, which can lead to noticeable changes in skin texture and firmness.' 

But let that not be discouraging because there are so many ways to rejuvenate our skin from within and look our absolute best! 

Gentleness becomes a key factor in skincare during this period. 

As we get older, the skin becomes more sensitive, less tolerant to harsh chemicals, and prone to dryness.

Embracing mild, hydrating formulations and avoiding aggressive exfoliation methods can help maintain the skin's comfort. 

Regular facial massages can also be beneficial, promoting blood circulation and enhancing the skin’s natural radiance.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that environmental factors also have a heightened impact...

Exposure to sun, pollution, and even blue light from screens can affect the skin more profoundly. 

Thus, integrating antioxidants into the skincare regimen becomes essential to protect the skin from these external stressors.

In this case, the principle of 'less is more' is particularly relevant. 

I know that you’ve probably seen all those 15-step routine videos, but let me tell you…

Simplifying the skincare routine to focus on a few high-quality, effective products can be more beneficial than a complex regimen. 

This approach not only makes the routine more manageable but also allows each product to function optimally, ensuring that the skin is not overwhelmed.

Do’s and Don’ts of Skincare Routines

If we’re aiming for the perfect glow by spring, these are some important do’s and don’ts to keep in mind…

Do: Be Gentle with Your Skin

Always treat your skin with gentleness, especially when cleansing.

Use soft, circular motions rather than scrubbing harshly. Being too aggressive can lead to irritation and damage, particularly for mature or sensitive skin. 

If you’re on the look for a gentle, hydrating cleanser with a delicate cleansing brush to make sure your skin is clean and hydrated, you can give the Detergente idratante a try.

Believe me, you won’t regret it. 

Don't: Over-Exfoliate

While exfoliation is important for removing dead skin cells, overdoing it can strip the skin of its natural oils. Limit exfoliation to once or twice a week and opt for gentle exfoliates.

Do:Pat, Don't Rub

After cleansing or applying products, gently pat your skin dry with a towel instead of rubbing.

Rubbing can cause unnecessary stress to the skin, leading to wrinkles and sagging over time.

Don't:Skip Sunscreen

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One of the biggest skincare mistakes is not applying sunscreen daily. UV rays can cause significant damage, even on cloudy days.

Ensure you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin. 

The Antarcric Sun Defence protects your skin from UVA & UVB rays, blue light and also contains rejuvenating ingredients to take care of existing damage. 

Do: Apply Products in the Right Order

Layer your skincare products correctly for maximum effectiveness.

Generally, start with the thinnest consistency (like toners) and work up to the thickest (like moisturisers).

Don't: Neglect the Neck and Décolletage

Your skincare routine shouldn't stop at your face. Extend the same care to your neck and décolletage, which are also prone to signs of ageing.

The Power of a Good Diet

Through research and consultation with nutritionists, I discovered the profound impact of diet on skin health. 

Omega-3 fatty acids, which I incorporate through flaxseeds and occasional salmon, have significantly improved my skin's texture. 

Vitamin C, my go-to for immune boosting, also plays a crucial role in collagen production, essential for skin elasticity. And zinc, often overlooked, is a skin healer, aiding in repair and rejuvenation.

My Rejuvenating Skincare Routine 

Each morning, I greet my skin with the soft, Hydrating cleanser – it's like a gentle kiss to start the day.

And it’s so easy to use! Using it brings you only a minute away from clean & hydrated skin. 

Next, I prep my skin with additional hydration using the rose water toner (which by the way feels like a gentle touch of spring on my face). 

After I use the rose water toner, I pamper my skin with the Rose Youth Elixir packed with Bakuchiol, Rosa Damascena oil and hyaluronic acid, ensuring deep hydration and anti-ageing benefits. 

My moisturiser is my armor; it seals in moisture and guards against environmental factors. And I never step out without sunscreen, our invisible shield against the sun’s rays. 

By consistently following these skincare practices and also having a good diet, I am confident that by spring, your skin will not only feel renewed but will also radiate a youthful glow.

It’s not a seasonal change; it’s a lifelong journey of caring for our skin.


1 commenti

Susanne Duveskog

I am so happy I found gentle and Rose. It truly makes my skin healthier and looking younger than before.

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